Resubmitting failed Logic Apps using Power Automate

Even though each Logic App action has a retry policy, after a certain number of retries, the Logic App engine gives up and fails the whole execution. In these scenarios the Logic App needs to be re-run. You can use Power Automate to handle this scenario. You can download the Power Automate solution from!AvzjERKFC6gOx3-NptgmlSyD4FVu?e=vwxyAE

After you import the solution, you need to set the value for the environment variable: Azure Subscription Id to your Azure Subscription where the Logic Apps are.

Environment variable to store subscriptionid
Subscription Id environment variable

You need to have a HTTP with Azure AD connection that can be mapped to the HTTP with Azure AD Connection Reference in the solution. Both the Base Resource URL and Azure AD Resource URL should be:

HTTP with Azure AD connection
HTTP with Azure AD connection to Azure RM API

You also need to have a Azure Resource Manager connection that can be mapped to the Azure Resource Manager Connection Reference.

The Flow runs on a HTTP Trigger, so it is manual at the moment. But, you are easily modify it to a Schedule trigger.

This is the key part where the Flow resubmits failed executions.

Re-running all failed Logic App executions
Segment to resubmit failed executions

The Flow returns JSON with both the old runId and the new runId of the resubmitted Logic App.

Flow response with Logic App execution detail
Output from Flow

This Flow can be made even smarter by persisting this JSON into CosmosDB or Table Storage, so that you can stop retrying Logic Apps that have failed more than 2 times. This is so that you don’t keep retrying executions that will fail due to some data validation errors.


  1. Pieter Veenstra – Pieter’s method –
  2. Pieter Veenstra – Unnest nested arrays –

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