
Below are the podcasts that I listen to. I find them very informative and it is good to get away from Dynamics CRM and learn during the commute. I use an app called Podcast Addict, which can be downloaded from the Play store at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bambuna.podcastaddict&hl=en. If you are using iPhone, you can use any podcast app that is applicable to your platform. The list is not a ranking of the podcasts, just in a random order.

  1. Hanselminutes by THE Scott Hanselman – https://hanselminutes.com/
  2. Microsoft Business Applications Podcast – https://podcast.nz365guy.com/
  3. Ctrl+Alt+Azure – https://ctrlaltazure.com/
  4. The Azure Podcast – https://azpodcast.azurewebsites.net/
  5. XrmToolCast – https://xrmtoolcast.libsyn.com/
  6. Unhandled Exception Podcast – https://unhandledexceptionpodcast.com/